PES 2010 for Wii this Autumn

Additions to old Wii play are... in play.

Posted by Staff
Not the Wii version
Not the Wii version
Konami has confirmed that lovers of what Brian Clough called 'the Beautiful Game', who are also Wii owners with a yen for Pro Evolution Soccer need fret no longer. The Wii version of PES 2010 is coming this autumn.

Says the blurb, "PES 2010 for the Nintendo format will share the cover stars in Lionel Messi and Fernando Torres. And will also boast the extensive additions to the Master League via the integration of UEFA Champions League license elements, while the Wii game’s graphic elements have been further enhanced. However, Producer Akiyoshi ‘Greyhound’ Chosogabe and his dedicated team have also worked to add key gameplay advances to the new iteration."

Also added to the game are:

- An all-new game balance system that affects both attacking and defensive elements of the game. The player in possession now has ‘instantaneous stamina’ in addition to his overall stamina, which prevents unbeatable runs from being used as a constant tactic.

- More fine and strategic controls have been given more significance, and an attacking player with the ball can perform various ‘AI feints’ to bypass the opposition defenders while dribbling – but is in accordance with the player’s abilities. Defenders will also have to think of which areas to close down from, and work with other players to reduce the space attackers have.

- A new free kick system, wherein these set pieces are now viewed from the kicker’s perspective and targeted using a pointer system, allowing users to add swerve and additional pace to their kicks, dependent on the taker’s abilities.

- New animations have been introduced.


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