Yorkshire Publisher Puts Date to New Gangster MMO

New features detailed

Posted by Staff
Omerta has announced that the latest version of its gangster MMO - appropriately dubbed Omerta 3 - will be good to go as of July 8th.

The publisher, which is based just up the road from SPOnG's Underwater Castle, in Hull, promises a host of new features in the latest iteration of the game.

Explaining the title and its improvements, Otto Adang, product manager for the game, said, “One of the things that make Omerta unique is the brutality of killing in the game. If another player kills your gangster, death is permanent, unlike games like WOW where you just 'magically come to life again'.

"In Omerta, players must create a new character and work his or her way through the ranks all over again. It gets really exciting when it's not just single players trying to kill each other but entire families in a big street-war. When families fight, hundreds of gangsters are shooting at each other and millions of bullets get expended. For many players the thrill of these wars is one of the main attractions of Omerta.

“In Omerta 3 we want to keep this excitement in and add to it, while also making it fairer. A lot more depth is added to kill attempts by the addition of new items and the new bodyguards. A variety of guns and special weapons like grenades help you attack others, while motorbikes and armoured cars protect you while you are online. Offline, you can hide away in your house or villa and upgrade it with things like fences and guard dogs. The variety of items and the many ways you can train your bodyguards mean there will be huge differences between players.”

“We witnessed a situation during our beta testing where many players were chasing one guy around, who just kept surviving by the skin of his teeth and employed every trick in the book to stay alive.

"He travelled from city to city, kept healing himself, hid away in the safe house and sneakily switched between being online and offline. He died eventually but the whole process took several hours. Now, just image what happens when hundreds of players are trying to do this to each other and bullets fly in both directions. I can't wait to see it", added Adang.

More details and pre-registration can be found here. If you pre-register, you're promised "bonus items when the new version is launched." Exactly what those items are wasn't announced, but since the game is free to play, you have little to lose...


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