PlayStation 3 Slim to Ship this Month

Taiwanese website says so...

Posted by Staff
PlayStation 3 Slim to Ship this Month
The dear old PS3 Slim rears its head once again courtesy of Taiwanese site UDN which, in translation, states:

"Upstream component makers that the new Sony PS3 console OEM orders formally approved last week, of which Hon Hai Heshuo pie with 50 percent of all orders, is expected to ship from the beginning of July to meet the summer demand."

From this we, and several other websites let's face it, draw the conclusion that Foxconn (the better know trading name of Taiwan-based component manufacturer, Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd), is taking orders from Sony for the new PS3.

The story continues, "it is understood that the upcoming Sony PS3 to the new machine is small, the appearance than the previous generation models more light, which Sony will be next year before the new generation game console, PS3..."

This paragraph includes such a wealth of potential speculation. For example, engadget speculates, "there's a suggestion that the slim will be the last PS3 model of this generation, and that a next-gen console based on Sony's motion controller is due in spring 2010".

We're not touching that one with a motion controller shaped like a barge pole. For now we're happy enough to think that Sony has placed orders with Foxcon for a PS3 Slim to hit the shops in August.

Sony will the call any price cut for the older model (fat) PS3s a "value proposition" and everybody can be happy that we all live in a healthy industry full of competition.


Reborn 1 Jul 2009 13:51

It would be good news if the ps3 is going slim if there are cost cuts in it

[1 Jul 2009, 15:04: Message edited by 'config' - - spam link removed]
Joji 1 Jul 2009 14:38
Nice, but what's being ditched to make it cheaper, and how much are we all going to have to pay, next to the already available PS3?

Indeed, a price drop is due. Slash it by £50-100, and I'd certainly invest in one. Wishful thinking.
DrkStr 1 Jul 2009 17:23
Joji wrote:
Nice, but what's being ditched to make it cheaper, and how much are we all going to have to pay, next to the already available PS3?

Making it smaller will cut costs as willmoving the powe supply into a brick like they always do.

Loosing the bloody huge heatsink and fans arrangement makes it lighter and less cost to ship, plus smaller box means more in a warehous so less cost to store. That gets passt on to us hopefully.

Joji wrote:
Indeed, a price drop is due. Slash it by £50-100, and I'd certainly invest in one. Wishful thinking.

Won't be worth cutting price if its not at least £50 off.
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