Another developer abandons the Dreamcast

Dreamcast away in choppy sea

Posted by Staff
Another developer abandons the Dreamcast
No Cliche, the developer best known for its Dreamcast game Toy Commander, has announced that it will not be producing any more titles for the machine and has cancelled any projects that were under way.

A statement issued by the company reads: “Due to Sega's decision to stop development in Europe, No Cliché stopped its activity. Almost all employees have been made redundant. Agartha, the horror/adventure game, is cancelled. The managing staff is working on the company's rebirth.”

In other news, Capcom of America has hinted that it might not be releasing any more Dreamcast titles. Capcom has always supported Sega hardware to the max, releasing its last Saturn game, Final Fight Revenge earlier this year.

This also throws into doubt the possibility of a western Dreamcast release of Capcom Vs SNK 2.


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