Unreal Tournament 3 Black: Free This Weekend

Posted by Staff
PC gamers can take a free pop at Unreal Tournament 3 Black this weekend via Steam.

Epic tells us: "This Thursday, May 28, will commence a long weekend in which anyone can log onto Valve’s Steam digital distribution service, download Unreal Tournament 3 Black and play the game through the weekend free of charge."

The skinny on Black, if you missed it, goes like this: "Unreal Tournament 3 together with the free Titan Pack constitutes Unreal Tournament 3 Black. The Titan Pack is a massive bonus pack with loads of enhancements and new content including environments, the Titan mutator, the Greed and Betrayal gametypes, the Stealthbender vehicle, weapons, deployables, characters and more. Unreal Tournament 3 Black also includes over 50 Steamworks Achievements."

On the subject of free stuff, see our earlier coverage on EA's BattleForge.


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