Gamer's 'Love' Obsessed Murderer Gets Life

18 years for Matthew Pyke's killer

Posted by Staff
David Heiss.
David Heiss.
In September last year we reported that 21-year old David Heiss from Germany had been arrested for the murder of 20 year-old Matthew Pyke, a regulator on the WarsCentral website. WarsCentral is a site dealing with Advance Wars, Battalion Wars, Game Boy Wars, Famicom Wars and Super Famicom Wars.

Heiss had been arrested in East Germany and extradited to England to face trial. He was found guilty and sentenced to 18 years this week. According to Detective Chief Inspector Tony Heydon, "Heiss had become so besotted with Joanna (Witton - Pyke's girlfriend) that he decided to plan Matthew's murder several days, if not weeks, in advance."

Heiss had contacted Ms Witton in a variety of ways such as MSN, the Warcentral site, and Facebook.

"In my view, David Heiss is the most callous, cold-hearted individual I have dealt with", concluded CI Heydon.

According to Shaun Smith, for the prosecution, the murder was due to Heiss' "obsession for Joanna Witton... and hatred for Matthew, because he was Joanna’s boyfriend."

Full details of a very gory crime are available all over the Internet, majoring mainly on blood and the 86 stab wounds. Check here for a decent report.

A story regarding the impact of the murder of Pyke on his family and friends is also available here.


YenRug 12 May 2009 11:49
The most surprising thing is, about all the news coverage, that there's very little emphasis on the videogame angle, for once. Probably thanks to the lack of overly graphic violence, in the "Whatever" Wars games, to point fingers at.
TimSpong 12 May 2009 11:52
YenRug wrote:
The most surprising thing is, about all the news coverage, that there's very little emphasis on the videogame angle, for once. Probably thanks to the lack of overly graphic violence, in the "Whatever" Wars games, to point fingers at.

BBC Radio 4 last night gave it 2 mins with "And he planned it meticulously just as he would his computer games" or somesuch...

Aside from that, and I've not read Express, Sun or Mail on it, coverage has been quiet on vgames angle.

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