Eidos Confirms Thief 4

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Eidos Confirms Thief 4
Eidos has confirmed that development of Thief 4 (OK, Thi4f) is underway... "Were in the early development stages for Thief 4, but this is an incredibly ambitious project and a very exciting one. It's too early for us to offer any specific game details, right now we are focused on recruiting the very best talent to join the core team at the studio and help us make, what we believe will be one of the most exciting games on the market."

There you have it (or rather here - officially). Eidos Montreal has the development task on what is bound to be called a 'reboot of the classic stealth-'em-up'.

That said - it's Thief again, so we're looking forward to the build-up, the screens, the trailers... oh, and we hope the finished game... on all possible formats.

Don't know much about this Looking Glass classic... get more info here then.


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