Space Invaders Creator: New Games Dull

Aged designer says that thrill is gone.

Posted by Staff
Space Invaders Creator: New Games Dull
Tomohiro Nishikado, the man who invented Space Invaders back when games were in black and white but were fun... seems to think that modern games are boring people.

Speaking to USA Today he says, "I think the focus on unique concepts and gameplay has waned with the evolution of technology. It seems there is an increase of replicated gameplay formats and concepts, and people are growing tired of playing the same thing.

"I also believe that most themes have already been made into games and the novelty is wearing off. Because there is such a saturation of similar concepts, I feel that game creators today are really going through some challenging times."

An old fart talking about when everything was better than it is today? Or a sage and wise man who can see through the sequel/prequel, shooty, fighty nonsense of now? Well, we're currently playing inFamous so as of this moment we agree with the first option.

(Although we'd never call Tomohiro Nishikado an 'old fart').

Full interview here.


Daz 7 May 2009 14:25
well I'm not playing inFamous so I agree with the Sage comment
deleted 7 May 2009 14:44
I find replication fun, just as i played Wolfinstien i play COD today and enjoy it, what i dont like is when evolution within the genre drys up, this is why i think point and click died,

Look at FPS genre for example. it started 2D, it then evolved with controls allowing free looking, 3D adding depth to the visuals, now story is a massive part of FPS, and even today the controls still evolve in the case of Killzone2 with the planting charges etc with the Sixaxis is really fun as is the sniping elements.

where as Playing Fifa on Megadrive really feels the same as playing it on PS3 not enough evolution of the genre has happened,

or ma`be im an ole fart..
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TimSpong 7 May 2009 15:34
Daz wrote:
well I'm not playing inFamous so I agree with the Sage comment

I'm not either - Mark won't let me anywhere near it. From where I'm sitting it certainly looks more fun than Wolverine... still, it's no Kick Off though.


h 9 May 2009 14:15
Ya! Somebody gets it. I lived through the first videogame crash of the 90's, many similarly boring titles, and the market demand tanked during a recession. They were similar, or similarly limited on the Atari 2600. Rails are rails, in another form.
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