MAG: Great Big New Trailer

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Posted by Staff
MAG: Great Big New Trailer
Sony has put forth a new trailer for MAG. That stands for Massive Action Game. It sounds and looks... well, massive.

256 players, online, together, massive. Almost implausibly massive, you might say.

In the video it's all looking quite pretty, as war goes. SPOnG hopes it still looks that way once all those players are plugged into the same game.

Anyway, have a look for yourself.



SuperSaiyan4 30 Apr 2009 07:59
It looks good but shooters and that PS controller just don't mix, KZ2 was absolutly terrible to enjoy because of the PS3 pad.
Shooters are better left on the Xbox 360.
mike smith 30 Apr 2009 16:31
lmao you are smoking crack
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mike smith 30 Apr 2009 16:32
lmao you are smoking crack
headcasephil 30 Apr 2009 19:54
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
It looks good but shooters and that PS controller just don't mix, KZ2 was absolutly terrible to enjoy because of the PS3 pad.
Shooters are better left on the Xbox 360.

both are s**t for shooters what is needed is a keyboard and mouse ps3 wins on that front as some games can use them but pc is the way to go f**k the consoles pc looks better plays better and games are cheaper
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