Star Ocean: The Last Hope Dated for Europe

Box art revealed

Posted by Staff
Capcom has put a European release date to its upcoming Xbox 360-exclusive JRPG, Star Ocean: The Last Hope.

The game will be with us on June 5th.

It has, of course, been with Japanese and North American gamers for two months already. Still, Square does want simultaneous global releases on as many titles as possible. Maybe next time...

Square also confirmed the European the box art, which you can see to the right.

The Last Hope has the best name for a lead character ever (EVER!!!) - 'Edge Maverick'. He's pretty much what would happen if Tom Cruise was in U2. It's a prequel to the existing games and sticks with the grand space opera Square fans have come to expect.


SuperSaiyan4 29 Apr 2009 12:27
Shame that Capcom is only publishing this game, if it was made by Capcom it would have most likely been region free like the rest of their games.
I have not seen too much into this new JRPG from SE but I seriously hope it looks and plays well! I really enjoyed games like Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey hopefully it can better those 2 or match it or something.
Jacopr93 10 May 2009 20:01
I also have enjoyed alot of console RPG's like final fantasy series, infinite undisovery, lost odyssey and earlier star ocean titles. but I don't understand why the used to be playstation exclusive suddenly goes to xbox. not that it matters cause I own both consoles but I like the playstation better.
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