Gran Turismo 3 licensing becoming an issue?

Strange goings on at E3

Posted by Staff
Gran Turismo 3 licensing becoming an issue?
Over on IGN, there is an article heralding the arrival of Gran Turismo 3 and in particular the amazing selection of Dodge Vipers available in the game which reminded us of something strange we saw at E3 the other week.

We were queuing up (pushing in) for one of the star attractions at the event, the six-player link-up of Gran Turismo 3, complete with force feedback steering wheels and race seats, when we noticed Sony officials going up and down making sure that no-one chose the Dodge Viper to use in the S-Class events. So we asked why.

We were told that the version on display was the completed Japanese game, not American code and the some of the licenses for the car names and models had not been granted for the American release of the game. Sony officials were quite strict when enforcing this. One cheeky kid selected the car at the last minute and managed to race the whole of the first lap without being detected.

Then on the second lap he was spotted and the heavies on the Sony stand stopped the game and told him to get up, leave and not come back. Though this kid was not doing particularly well he received the biggest cheer of the day from the onlooking crowd.

Sony has since refused to comment on this and we are still unsure whether the Viper will be included in the American and European release of GT3.

This also raises the wider issue of the pathetic behaviour of car manufacturers when it comes to licensing their vehicles to video game companies. We will have some sort of rant about this in the near future, so watch out!


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