DSiWare: Mixed Messages

This week's DSi release

Posted by Staff
DSiWare: Mixed Messages
It's Friday. That used to mean downloadable goodies for the Wii. It still does, but it also means new, smaller goodies are available to download for the DSi.

Yup, there's new DSiWare. This week we've got Mixed Messages, developed by Vicarious Visions.

In a nutshell, it's a bit like Chinese Whispers with pictures. You get between two and 21 players (we'd recommend at least three), the first one writes a sentence and passes the DSi along. The second draws a picture based on the sentence. The next player writes a new sentence based on the picture and you keep going, watching the message change down the line.

There is, it should be noted, no single-player mode. Let's face it though, a single-player mode on a game like this would be like having a plastic baggie full of moisturiser instead of a real girlfriend.

You can get Mixed Messages for 500 points.


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