Advertising Authority: Death Gaming Ad is OK

Now... why would those two things happen?

Posted by Staff
Advertising Authority: Death Gaming Ad is OK
The UK's Advertising Standards Authority has turned down complaints that the recent Change4Life advertising campaign should be withdrawn.

The campaign, which used an image of an apparently catatonic child holding Sixaxis controller, with the line "Risk an Early Death - Do Nothing" beside it was backed by a range of food and media companies - but had no video game industry input.

The ASA responded to complaints by stating, "The [ASA] council considered that most readers would understand that the ad was discouraging a sedentary lifestyle and used the example of playing a console game as an illustration of the type of behaviour which might lead to long-term health problems if no exercise is taken alongside more sedentary activities."

It continued, "Whilst the ASA Council understood the concerns of Tiga and those complainants who worked in the video games industry, it noted that the ad did not claim that playing computer or console games alone would lead to illness or premature death."

The ASA also included the following in its rejection, "One parent objected that the ad was offensive and harmful because it frightened her young child who became scared that she would die if she played video games.

"The ASA Council sympathised with those concerns and understood that the reference to future health might, for some, be upsetting. However, it considered that the ad was unlikely to cause undue fear or distress to parents or children."

Brand Republic


Joji 19 Mar 2009 12:20
Sure, this government backed ad is okay, no matter how biased it is. Lovely. They have the monopoly on being right.

However, it seems games ads are the opposite, like the GTA4 or Burnout ones. Definitely a tale of double standards once again.

Right games industry, no money for the government this year. Let them plug it from the music moguls instead.
deleted 19 Mar 2009 21:27
makes a change a mother complaining to the government because her child cant play games!! i didnt take the advert as offensive to games but sure why couldnt a few adverts be released, one with a young boy listening to Music and one watching TV, in fact i dont care ill still buy game seat cake and die early!
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