Two British Lords have Video Game 'Addicted' Kids

Two lords a-waffling?

Posted by Staff
Lord Carter.
Lord Carter.
The United Kingdom's unelected second chamber, the House of Lords, has been in debate over video games. During the debate it emerged that at least two of the venerable members are admitting to having kids who are either addicted or 'mildly' addicted to gaming.

Yes, the word 'addicted' - which carries no connotations at all especially in a debate among Lords with the ability to alter legislation - cropped up.

First we have Lord St John of Bletso who states, "As a father of four young children under the age of 13 who are all mildly addicted to video games, I share the concerns of many parents about the enormous amount of time - the waste of time - that children spend on video games and the potential effects on their behaviour."

Would blaming the parents be a decent call here? And what of Lord Carter of Barnes. Lord Carter is the Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Department for Culture, Media & Sport. "I am the father of only two children addicted to video games, but if my experience is anything to go by, they are trying to keep up with at least four, if not six, in their consumption."

God lord! His kids are actual addicts!

However, Lord Carter appears to have at least some grasp of the reality of the situation in which gamers and the games industry finds itself. He states, "However, it is worth dwelling on the fact that the average age of a game user is between 20 and 30, and adult consumption of games is the growth sector in the industry.

"In our legitimate desire to provide guidance and protection for children and parents, we must not stultify an industry that is producing innovation and creativity consumed by consenting, highly informed and highly technically experienced adults in this sector."

Now, if only he could stop himself from using the 'addiction' word - which plays easily into the hands of the tabloids - the UK industry and gamers might have found themselves someone in power with a slight sense of reality.

See the whole debate at TheyWorkForYou.


Joji 4 Mar 2009 17:36
These damn politicians.

Why do they have to use the word 'addicted'?

Are they 'addicted' to politics, because its what they do for a living? I find it interesting that they never use any positive words when refering to games, but are yet happy to take and use the money they make for the U.K.

As a parent, if you are that worried, wouldn't you sit and play with those kids? Its this that always makes them look dumb, and such a generation still fails to understand games and why we like and play them. A real shame.
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