Rock Band 2 for PS3 and Wii Europe

Dated and stated

Posted by Staff
Rock Band 2 for PS3 and Wii Europe
At last - Europe gets Rock Band 2 on PS3 (and PS2) and Wii. The former is coming on 23rd March. The week of 20th April will see the latter arrive.

Prices? Sure, £49.99 on PS3 (£29.99 for the PlayStation 2) and £39.99 for the Wii. Peripheral prices?

- Stand alone guitars will retail at £39.99
- Stand alone drums will retail for £49.99
- An “Instrument Edition” including drums, guitar and microphone will retail for £89.99

Bundled prices? Rock Band Instrument Edition and Rock Band software together cost £119.99 for the PS3; £109.99 for the PlayStation 2 and Wii.


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