UK GamesAid Declares Monies Raised

It's not Red Nose Day yet though.

Posted by Staff
UK GamesAid Declares Monies Raised
Time for some nice news. Yes, we said "nice". We are told that GamesAid (the UK games industry charity) has raised quite a piece of cash.

Never heard of GamesAid? Think it's a drink? Go to this website now and salve your conscience.

Anyway, possibly without your help, the charity has raised "over £125,000 since October 2008" through a number of industry-led initiatives".

Named as a (well, 'the') major fund raisers is Codemasters, which raised £102,581 from sales of Colin McRae: DIRT.

Also cited are "Relentless Software, an auction of Golden Joysticks tickets by Future Publishing, an auction of a life-size Jack Sparrow statue by Disney Interactive Studios, an auction of games promotional merchandise by PC Zone and a sizeable speaking fee contribution from Ian Livingstone, Creative Director at Eidos."

There, it is a good news day.


deleted 27 Feb 2009 04:51
More of this is needed, with the government offering very little support to games industry from, Skills development to Parental education to Bailing out struggling Devs, maybe if all games Devs and Publishers put a small percent of profit into a charity like this we could see so much creativity be produced and saved.

I for one would donate money to help Indies and to create more staff, but the main responsbility lies with the games companies themselfs to secure a future for the games industry.
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