Little LittleBigPlanet - for Handheld

All this PSP news is making us itch.

Posted by Staff
Little LittleBigPlanet - for Handheld
Some things were always meant to be played on handheld. Now, maybe the recent news of MotorStorm on that platform made you think, "Why? When I can play it on a huge projected screen in my games room?" The news, however, that LittleBigPlanet will be making its way to the PSP will probably be met with a grin and the phrase, "About bloody time too."

Well, SCEE has just confirmed it, saying: "LittleBigPlanet and MotorStorm, previously only available on PLAYSTATION 3, will be coming to PSP this year, joining the ranks of popular PlayStation franchises such as the ever entertaining Buzz!"

Yup, snuck in with a Buzz! announcement is the low-key reveal that Sackboy will be cuteing himself all over the PSP.

"Those who like to give their mind a workout and their creativity an outlet will find themselves enchanted by the unique world of LittleBigPlanet which allows players to create their own levels and share them with the community," and that's it for detail.


config 25 Feb 2009 09:54
One has to wonder what, if anything, is going to be sacrificed to squeeze it into handheld - beyond the obvious drop in graphical detail.
Dumb down the physics? That would surely kill the game play.
The three-levels of depth to the environment? It would certainly reduce the amount of physics-driven items on-screen at any one time, but may hinder multiplayer.
Ok, so lose multiplayer? Noooooooo
deleted 25 Feb 2009 13:09
I dont see how LBP PSP would have to lose anything other than graphical power, less powerful hardware doenst = crappy game, as DS and PSP has proven time and time again.

I am very excited as this is the perfectformat for littlebigplanet, and what would be nice is to then transfer your creation to the PS3 to see them in HD goodness. of course thats my wishful thinking.
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