Nintendo DSi Dated for USA: Europe Soon?

New(ish) Ninty handheld due?

Posted by Staff
Nintendo DSi Dated for USA: Europe Soon?
The Associated Press reports (via the ABC) that, "The new Nintendo DSi" system, the third generation of the system - which is the world's best-selling portable video game , is set for sale in the U.S. on April 5."

"The system can also play most Nintendo DS" games, and will have access to a library of more than 850 titles originally made for that system."

Rumours of an April release had been reported as far back as January this year, although the date mooted then was April 4th.

The handheld - with its 256Mb of RAM - has sold in like hot cakes following its launch in Japan last year and expectations are high for it to repeat the success in other territories.

Pricing has also been announced for the States: The system will retail for US$169.99 and will come in blue and black.

Surely a European launch can't be far behind the USA? We contacted Nintendo today to find out if there was any hard release news?

"Nope", we were told.



SuperSaiyan4 19 Feb 2009 08:47
I read on MCV its coming out on 2nd April in Europe and a price of...£149.99!!! What a con! USA price $169.99 thats not a good deal at all. Why are handhelds soo expensive and the games expensive too considering the visuals and gameplay etc are not on par or even better than console games??
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