Earthbound but Not Wii Bound

The past is a foreign country.

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Earthbound but Not Wii Bound
Although we imagine that this news won't create quite the same uproar as when news hit that Goldeneye 007 wasn't coming to XBLA, some dewy-eyed nostalgists out there will be welling up at the apparent news that SNES RPG, Earthbound (aka, Mother 2) won't be coming to Virtual Console after all.

Apparently some music-copyright issues have lead Nintendo of America to reconsider releasing the game on the Wii. The reason for this, according to is not that "NoA is being totally irrational". It is instead "NCL (Nintendo Company, Limited) and their unwillingness to make changes to the game."

Strange then that this wasn't realised until the ESRB had rated the game.


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