SPOnG has obtained leaked pictures of Dark Obi Wan Kenobi, a story possibility for
Star Wars: Battlefront III that was teased in the leaked
Free Radical game footage.
The images come from the ever-mischievous Thomas Dudenaughty, a former employee of Free Radical - the previous developer on
Battlefront III. He hinted to SPOnG earlier today that speculation Obi Wan could have been turned to the Dark Side in the game was "on the money". The images to the right and below certainly seem to bear this out.
Whether the plot twist will make it into the game under its new developer is unclear. SPOnG has been told, however, that technology which would have enabled players to launch from the ground right into space in a ship has stayed with Free Radical and
will not now feature in the game. What else has been lost in the transition between developers is unclear.
The new developer on the project hasn't been confirmed, but it is widely believed to be Rebellion, the developer behind the PSP-based
Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron.
Anyway, enjoy the creepy pictures to the right and below. SPOnG can't help but suspect that Dark Obi Wan smells really bad...