Kids Diss TV for Gaming

Bless their little hearts

Posted by Staff
Kids Diss TV for Gaming
According to a recent report (The State of the Media Democracy) by Deloitte, "Millennials, the generation of 14- to 25-year-olds, watch just 10.5 hours of TV a week..." this compares to "15.1 hours for those belonging to Generation X (ages 26-42), 19.2 hours for Baby Boomers (43-61) and 21.5 hours for Matures (62-75)."

So, what the hell are the kiddies doing? Apparently, "...they are spending the most time with media in general, making that up with video games, music and the Internet."

Finally, however, it's the old farty GenXers who are pushing video games purchases. But don't go thinking this is all abut the hardcore, stand-by old skool gaming. Nope, Gen X pushes games "as that medium, once frowned on by parents, is more recently being used for 'family time'."

Source: Adweek


Joji 23 Dec 2008 13:04
Hey, I love that track, 'Television, The Drug of the Nation'.

Just a sign of the times a changing, better for us gamers. I have to admit, apart from certain tv shows or sport, a lot of tv is junk. Gaming on my 360 seems to trump watching Sky for me these days. To much reality crap is a major turn off.

Gaming parents are in a prime position to share something with their kids, and that should definitely be encouraged, in an age where many kids may not spend time, let alone talk with their folks. Games are a happy medium to build that positive bridge.
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