Mirror's Edge New Time Trial Map

DLC for innovative game.

Posted by Staff
Mirror's Edge New Time Trial Map
New DownLoadable Content is to be made available for EA's innovative but maybe not so compelling parkour outing Mirror's Edge (reviewed here) in January for PS3, 360 and PC.

We're told, "Players will be challenged to achieve the fastest times possible on nine races across seven all-new and totally redesigned Time Trial maps. No guns, no cops, and no city: this is true aesthetics, agility and flow that will challenge any runner.

"This special DLC pack will be available for $10 USD or 800 Microsoft points. As an added bonus, all PS3 Mirror’s Edge fans will be able to download an additional map for free."



config 4 Dec 2008 21:32
10 bucks for a bunch of time trials maps? Given how short the game is, I'd have hoped the first DLC would be an apologetic freebie
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