French Vote to Cut Video Game Pirates Net Access

Three strikes and you're off to another ISP

Posted by Staff
French PM and huisband of Carla Bruni.
French PM and huisband of Carla Bruni.
The French government has voted for a new law that would see video game file sharers/pirates kicked off the Internet after having received an email and then snailmail warning letter.

Despite a few grumbles from 15 members of the Senate (297 voted for. The Communists abstained) the law now passes to the upper house. It is also likely to run into problems with the European Union which has called says a law is counter to, "civil liberties and human rights".

Looking at the law more closely, however, effectively then, the French want to introduce a law that can result in French pirates being kicked of French Internet service providers. This will certainly succeed in catching extremely stupid French video game pirates who are unable to sign up to a new ISP.



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