Police Contact Microsoft about Missing Canadian Boy

Community minded or simply a good piece of PR?

Posted by Staff
Police Contact Microsoft about Missing Canadian Boy
Canadian teenager, Brandon Crisp, has been missing from home for two weeks now. Brandon's parents have blamed his disappearance on his 'obsession' with Call of Duty 4 and an argument regarding their confiscation of his Xbox 360.

The Globe and Mail newspaper quotes Microsoft as stating, "Law enforcement has contacted Microsoft about this matter and we are co-operating fully with them. We are unable to comment further on the nature of our co-operation because of the ongoing investigation."

What the company has commented on is that fact that it has matched the currently available reward money of Canadian $25,000 (£12.6k or 15.6 Euro).

This is, of course, nothing to do with the possibility of a lawsuit, the paper quotes Brandon's father, Steve, saying, "...he doesn't blame Microsoft or its Xbox. "I'm not on a witch hunt. I just want my son back".

So, why has Microsoft chipped in? And why hasn't Activision?

Source: Globe and Mail


colin russell 27 Oct 2008 12:15
i hope xbox are watching the boys gamer tag to help locate him soon..
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