National Video Game Archive and You

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Posted by Staff
National Video Game Archive and You
Back in September we told you that, at last, an academic organisation was taking the heritage of video games as seriously as we do. Well, since then, we've interviewed the man charged with steering the project, Paul Goodman - who is the Head of Collections and Knowledge at the National Media Museum in Bradford (that full interview will be hitting SPOnG this week).

The museum along with its partner in the National Videogames Archive (NVA) as it will be known when it comes to fruition - with your help - in the next 12-18 months, has also launched a website asking for gamers to get involved.

The site, handily called, The National Videogame Archive, is right here and this links to an online support sign-up via Nottingham Game City, which you can use. That's here.

We would urge you to sign up. And stay tuned for our interview with Paul Goodman. Or failing that, of course, you could just let the history of video games go the same way as the history of Texan Bar collection...


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