E3 2009: Public Entry Confusion

Confusion reigns over USA's biggest games industry bash

Posted by Staff
E3 2009: Public Entry Confusion
According to Newsweek's N'Gai Croal, details of the Entertainment Software Association's 2009 E3 video games Expo will be announced today in the USA. Croal states that it, " will take place at the Los Angeles Convention Center during the first week of June--and that for the first time, E3 will officially open its doors to the public at large."

This is fleshed out with, "According to a source close to the process, the convention floor and meeting rooms will open on Tuesday June 2nd to media and industry professionals. On Friday June 5th and Saturday June 6th, however, the show floor will open up to the public."

Well, that was the first report. This was followed by an update that states, "it appears that our original source's statement that there would be an extra two days specifically set aside for the public--Friday June 5th and Saturday June 6th--may have been incorrect."

G4TV's Blair Herter, however, has a different idea. Shacknews reports him stating, "A broader range of industry guests will be invited. While event won't technically be open to the pubic with ticket sales, this does mean that more people will have a shot at attending..."

What of the ESA itself? Well, there is no comment at this time.


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