Afro Samurai: Face-Splitting Screens

See them here

Posted by Staff
Here at SPOnG we didn't realise that what our lives were missing was a dude with an afro using a sword to cut folks' faces in half to the sound of hip-hop until we saw Afro Samurai. Turns out, there was a gaping great hole where all that should have been. That might have been the case for you, too, so we thought we'd better get these new screens from the game up to plug the gap.

Atari confirmed last week that it will bring the game adaptation of Afro Samurai, produced by Namco Bandai, to Europe next Spring. Expect a gory sword-fest rendered in a hand-drawn style complete with the voice of Samuel L. Jackson. The game will also come with an original hip hop score, including an original track by The RZA of Wu Tang Clan.

The manga original and anime are brutal, slick and stylish. If Namco Bandai has done even a reasonable job of translating that across to the game, we should be in for a treat. See for yourself in the screens below and on SPOnG's dedicated game page.


SuperSaiyan4 13 Oct 2008 15:48
I was interested until I read 'Atari' there goes another franchise ruined by Atari...
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