Dark Knight Game Publisher Sees Losses Grow

Just having the Dark Knight title doesn't guarantee success

Posted by Staff
Dark Knight Game Publisher Sees Losses Grow
With all the chatter currently flowing from the maws of mainstream and specialist media regarding the lack of a Dark Knight video game tie-in, one thing appears to have been missed from the mix: the one company to have brought a TDK game to market has seen its profits fall.

According to Marketwatch, Glu Mobile has seen losses grow in the second financial quarter "related to acquisitions and restructuring". The numbers are that, year-on-year the company saw net losses dive from $898,000 (£449k) to $6.6 million (£3.3m). This is despite its revenues growing by 45% from $23.7 million (£11.85m) from $16.4 million (£8.2m) year-on-year.

Glu, you might remember - but like the rest of the games world - might not, released The Dark Knight for the mobile market back in July... to coincide with the release of the movie.


deleted 8 Aug 2008 17:33
really do we need to see a game link in for every movie? isnt it better to have a great movie and stop there?

unless a dev is going to invest in making a game that happens to link to a movie im not interested
ajmetz 10 Aug 2008 06:32
Chris White is awesome,
and their Transformers game will surely rock. =)
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