Battlefield: Bad Company Players Get Free Conquest

Video below

Posted by Staff
On Thursday Electronic Arts will dish up a free new game mode for Battlefield: Bad Company. The mode is dubbed 'Conquest'. SPOnG has a video of the mode in action to whet your appetite.

The spiel from EA goes as follows - "Made famous by Battlefield 1942, Conquest mode pits players against each other in a fast paced battle to eliminate the opposing team’s tickets. Players deplete their opponent’s tickets by one point per kill and can cause their opponents tickets to spiral downwards by capturing control points. Four maps that are currently available for online play in Gold Rush mode will be available to conquer with Conquest mode."

It's good to see that the new mode will be free, since as the Evil Editor so elegantly put it, "at one point they wanted to charge you for your bloody socks." What he means is, at one point EA was going to charge you to simply get your mitts on new guns. Needless to say, the gaming world was not happy.

Anyway, you can see this entirely free mode in action in the video and screens below. For more on the game, see SPOnG's dedicated page.


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