PlayStation Trains 'Kids' for Army Control

We love the smell of Metal Gear in the morning.

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PlayStation Trains 'Kids' for Army Control
"These kids come out of school and when they join the army, they are experts with Playstation controls. Our controls inside vehicles play into that, because they are already half-trained in how to use them."

So says Douglas Caster, the chief executive of Ultra Electronics in The Daily Telegraph. Ultra has seen its profits rise by 16% in the first half of this year based on selling fab stuff like weapons deployment systems.

According to Doug, there is also little chance that profits will dip for a while, "because US's defence budget is likely to remain high on the back of 'international tension'".

Phew, that's a relief then. Now, we looked over Ultra's website for its PlayStation control devices - and all we could come up with was the joystick pictured right.

Source: Telegraph


SuperSaiyan4 4 Aug 2008 14:44
LMFAO! Experts in using the worlds worst controller! So its fitting that Americans get accustomed to using crappy controllers in order to shoot more British soldiers in the back and drop bombs on them by mistake...

Amazing that the PS3 can do soo much other than play decent games wow well I guess its good for ports.
tyrion 4 Aug 2008 17:08
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
So its fitting that Americans get accustomed to using crappy controllers in order to shoot more British soldiers in the back and drop bombs on them by mistake...

That'll be why the US forces have UAVs that are controlled with 360 pads?
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