Team17: Business as Usual Following Vivendi Cull

No negative impact on business

Posted by Staff
Martyn Brown
Martyn Brown
SPOnG has just heard from Martyn Brown, studio director and co-founder of Team17, following word that Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust will be no longer be published by Activision Blizzard. He tells us it's "business as usual" at the Northern Worms developer.

Following news that Box Office Bust, developed by T17, is part of a slew of titles that were formerly slated for publication by Vivendi, but now face an uncertain future, Brown told SPOnG, "All I can say is that Team17 have been treated very well by Sierra/Vivendi during our work together and also very fairly by Activision-Blizzard since the merger completed.

"I understand that some considerations are ongoing with regards what properties sit well in the Activision-Blizzard stable but Team17 are not affected negatively in any business sense, so very much business as usual for us here.

"I have read some of the online news pieces and some of it appears to be rumour and somewhat lazy speculation and rumour-mongering which I wouldn't like to be attributed to, or be involved with."

Team17 remained tight-lipped on the future of Box Office Bust. You can see SPOnG's coverage of the Vivendi cullings here.


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