Cryptic Confirms Star Trek Online

Boldly going where Perpetual Entertainment has gone before

Posted by Staff
Cryptic has confirmed that it is, in fact, working on Star Trek Online. A new website has launched for the game, dishing up fresh details and screens.

The studio has said that the game will come to "both console and PC formats". Given that Cryptic's superhero MMO, Champions Online, is coming to PC and Xbox 360, an appearance on Microsoft's platform is likely.

The game will take place after the events of the latest crop of series. The announcement tells us, "Immerse yourself in the future of the Trek universe as it moves into the 25th century: a time of shifting alliances and new discoveries." Old school Trekkies (Trekkers? You tell us) may be encouraged to see the font used for the original series' logo on the website. It looks to SPOnG like Cryptic may be sending a message about what Trek material it intends to draw on...

Players will be able to command their own ship either as part of Starfleet or as a Klingon warrior. While space-borne combat will play an important role in the game, Cryptic is also placing an emphasis on exploration and beaming down to planets' surfaces.

Previously, Perpetual Entertainment was working on an online Trek game, but it announced earlier in the year that it was no longer working on the title. It was reported at the time that Cryptic had picked up the rights, but the new website serves as confirmation of the rather badly kept secret that it is working on the game.

An open letter from Cryptic's chief creative officer Jack Emmert tells us, "There are few other fictional backgrounds that fit the MMORPG medium so well. After all, Star Trek was never about a single character, ship or even planet; Star Trek was always about an entire universe. And MMORPGs are uniquely suited to create such a thing and allow players to explore every inch.

"Admittedly, Star Trek has its challenges. We want to make a game that best captures the real essence of Star Trek. We see Star Trek as much about exploration as combat. As much about the variety of alien civilizations as it is about the core Vulcans, Klingons, Humans, etc. It's going to be an exciting ride over the coming months as we begin to unveil STO. I can't wait."

You can find the official website here.


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