Home Nations' Euro Championship Failure Scores for Video Game Sales

Apparently it's like Christmas

Posted by Staff
So, was Mclaren in the pay of game makers? (No.. he wasn't).
So, was Mclaren in the pay of game makers? (No.. he wasn't).
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England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland's failure to reach the soccer-kicking European Championships this year may have mullered sales of flags and tattoos, but it has apparently been a boon for sales of video games software and hardware a report claims.

Apparently, "during the peak European Championships playing times of 7-9.30pm ‘bored men’ in the UK are ditching the football and instead hitting the internet and buying video game consoles and ‘gadgets’."

According to a website called Shoppers Revenge, "...since the start of the European Cup, ‘gadgets’ and games consoles have been bought at a rate comparable to Christmas sales, with over 230% more purchases than forecasted, based on previous sales records."

(We're not entirely sure about the word 'forecasted' though... well outside of kindergarten.)

The report, on the Resource Response site also states that the MyVoucherCodes site said "that during the peak football time of 7pm - 9.30pm, personal media players, GPS Satellite Navigation devices, mini helicopters and video game consoles such as the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 saw a huge increase in sales across the UK."

So, not having to be bothered with England's early exit and turgid play is - as the Evil Editor predicted - a bloody good thing indeed. On a par in fact with seeing Spain beat Italy.

Source: Response Resource


Joji 24 Jun 2008 12:44
Not at all surprising. I know that I had to get my dose of football for Euro 08', til the Prem League starts again in August/Sept time.

Hey, maybe the Endgland team were some of those buyers. They actually learn some tactics, using the games.

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