Unreal Tournament 3 on Xbox 360 Gets Dated

And don't forget the Gears video

Posted by Staff
Midway has now confirmed that Unreal Tournament III and its Gears of War 2 preview video is "scheduled to ship globally on July 7, 2008, with several new features including split screen, five exclusive maps and two all-new characters, as well as all previously released downloadable content."

The Gears video features, in the words of Midway, "never-before-seen footage of the game's multiplayer modes featuring new maps, new modes, new weapons and new gameplay elements. The video is narrated by design director, Cliff Bleszinski, and producer, Rod Fergusson."

For more on UT3, click here. To read up on Gears of War 2, head this way. First, however, you can see some recently-released Xbox 360 screens from UT3 below.


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