Video Game Petitioner Responds to Gordon Brown

SPOnG told government position "a mere glance" in the right direction

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Video Game Petitioner Responds to Gordon Brown
Dan Spence, the 3D animator who initiated a petition to the Prime Minister for more support for the UK games industry, has responded to SPOnG about the government's stance on tax credits for games makers.

While he believes the government has made the right noises about introducing such tax credits in the UK he believes greater commitment is needed. Spence told SPOnG:

"I understand the stance of protecting the tax payers by stipulating cultural relevancy as in France. It's a mere glance in the right direction more than a step as far as I'm concerned as they've not laid down any firm action plan for introducing cultural relief."

The government yesterday responded to the petition initiated by Spence, stating that it is "conscious of the recent approval of a cultural tax relief for games in France" and working with the UK industry to "collect and review the evidence" for such a scheme over here.

Previously the government had only gone so far as to say it would investigate whether tax credit schemes fit with fair trade laws.

A government representative told SPOnG back in March, "We are also aware that the EC has approved the French scheme to offer tax breaks to French games that pass a cultural test. The Government is currently examining the French scheme."

Spence initiated the petition to the Prime Minister following news that SCi/Eidos is relocating a significant chunk of its development operations to Montreal, Canada, where significant tax breaks are offered.


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