Government To "Review Evidence" for UK Games Industry Tax Relief

Prime Minister's office response to call for Britsoft tax break

Posted by Staff
Government To "Review Evidence" for UK Games Industry Tax Relief
The government has responded to the on-line petition to get more support for the UK games industry. The statement indicates that there's the whiff of a chance that we could see a tax credit scheme over here.

It's the closing sentence in the government's statement that really makes for interesting reading. "The Government is conscious of the recent approval of a cultural tax relief for games in France and is working with the UK industry to collect and review the evidence for introducing such a credit in the UK", it says.

That's far from a promise, but it does mark the first time the government has said that it will consider such a scheme.

SPOnG takes its hat off to 3D animator Dan Spence for initiating the petition. By getting it off the ground, he has left the government with little option but to address the games industry directly on the subject of tax breaks. We hope ELSPA is paying attention...

The full response, posted on the Prime Minister's website, reads as follows:

"The Government takes seriously the contribution of the UK's creative industries to the economy and to the UK's cultural richness. Creative Britain - New talents for the New Economy, published earlier this year, set out the 26 commitments with which the Government would support the creative industries.

"In that document, the Government committed to making sure that the creative industries, including the games sector, were aware of and made the best use of the generous Research and Development tax credits for small and medium-sized enterprises, introduced by the Government in 2000. The Government has already been promoting the credit within the industry.

"The Government must be mindful of the need to ensure fair competition and value for money for tax payers whilst ensuring that any tax incentives are supported by evidence. The Government is conscious of the recent approval of a cultural tax relief for games in France and is working with the UK industry to collect and review the evidence for introducing such a credit in the UK."


Joji 11 Jun 2008 13:38
Good that the petition has been received, as many would have otherwise detered this course of action.

I'll have to wait and see what they do, but with muppets like Keith Vaz about, he'll no doubt be the one, to build an objection to this (probably blathering about it promoting game violence and therefore corrupting society as a defence).

I just pray they see sense, since its them and us who stand to benefit, when GTA4 or 5 rack up more huge sales, despite problems in the U.K economy.
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