Square Enix Pushes Global Launch for Infinite Undiscovery

Europe gets a release date

Posted by Staff
Square Enix has said that it will release its upcoming fantasy RPG, Infinite Undiscovery, in Europe on September 5th, making it a near-simultaneous launch with Japan and North America.

While Square's calling it a simultaneous worldwide release, however, it will actually be out on September 2nd in America and Japan.

"With the simultaneous release of Infinite Undiscovery, Square Enix is entering an exciting new period of delivering great gaming experiences to our fans all around the world at the same time, creating new global communities", said John Yamamoto, president and CEO of Square's PAL operations. "This is something that we have aimed to do for a long time and we look to continue to deliver worldwide gaming experiences across all platforms well into the future."

Yamamoto's comments tie with those of the company's Japanese President, Yoichi Wada, when he said Square wants to push global launches back in March.

You can some screens to give you a taster of the game below and get the lowdown on the game's plot and features over on SPOnG's dedicated game page.


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