Straight information? We've got it: 'Cell Phase' is your introduction into the
Spore universe. We have a fresh video and screens of it below.
SPOnG's going to let Electronic Arts introduce it to you, "The Spore Team is proud to present the Cell Phase, the first stage in the Spore universe. Cell Phase is your introduction to the fundamentals of Spore. You play a simple organism which is dropped onto your planet by way of meteor.
The stage takes place in a top-down 2-D environment and you can play as an herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore. You earn DNA and collect parts to improve your creature’s abilities. Make your choices wisely - even as a lowly simple organism, your choices and actions will have long lasting effects. Avoid larger, carnivorous organisms while feeding on smaller organisms or algae – all while being tossed around in strong ocean currents. Eventually you will grow large enough to sprout legs and crawl out of the water and up onto land."
SPOnG was a little distressed to see that Matt Powers, the chap in the video and 'qameplay producer' for
Spore, has had the logo on his cap blurred out. Until, that was, we realised that it
absolutely must be because the cap is a
piece of merchandise relating to a previously unannounced game from EA! Probably
GTA V!!!!
*You can read more about
Spore over on SPOnG's
dedicated game page.
* This is, of course, utterly and totally not true. The cap blurring will be because EA thinks it's so important that it needs advertising revenue from its own trailers for its own products. We think. Thank you.