Belgian Urinal Game Takes the Wee

Notice how we didn't say Wii?

Posted by Staff
Name the reference...
Name the reference...
If this story wasn't via the respected sources of Reuters and ABC in Australia weee would... well, it is - and it refers to a story from ; here goes. Apparently, two Belgians; fans of beer and video games and urine have attached sensors to a urinal that enable you to use the pee-controller mechanism.

In short, Werner Dupont, a software developer, and Bart Geraets, an electrical engineer have followed up the 'The Place to Pee' drink-driving booth, banned by Belgian police last year, with a version that apparently lets you kill aliens and ski.

Reuters says, "The 'Place to pee' booth is designed for two users at a time and offers two games blowing up aliens in outer space or skiing down a virtual slope. Gamers hit their target by aiming at sensors positioned on either side of the urinal.

A specially designed paper cone allows women to play too, the inventors say."

Right... moving on.

ABC Australia


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