Ninja Gaiden 2: Trailer and Screen Blood Frenzy

Blood blood blood...

Posted by Staff
SPOnG thinks that if games players really want to be taught a lesson or two about the realities of rushing around the place - say Brooklyn or Venice - wielding huge weapons, dressed in black and slaughtering all-comers, a correct amount of blood should be on show.

Yup, there is simply not enough blood in video games. They are totally unrealistic when it comes to pure volume of the crimson fluid.

Now, the new trailers (and we've got six for you) for Tomonobu Itagaki and Team Ninja's Ninja Gaiden 2 have a damned good stab at flooding various locations with life-sustaining liquid. Ryu Hayabusa is in full have-at-you mode as he bounds around the world avenging his clan and spraying claret everywhere.

However, we really don't think it's enough to bring the brutal reality of slicing up someone good and proper with your blade. The Evil Editor sliced his thumb once with a kitchen knife while showing off - the kitchen was drenched in cardio-vascular lubricant - and that was just a thumb.

Anyway, enough culinary scar disasters - the trailers are below. Also, don't forget to check out the screenshots - there are more to be found over here.

Remember the slash-'em'up is out on June 6th on Xbox 360.

[vid=ng2_lunarstaff_6.flv]Lunarstaff - Ouch![/vid]


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