Spore Demo Coming This Summer

Creature Creator to be available early

Posted by Staff
Electronic Arts has said that it will release a demo of Will Wright's upcoming everything-sim, Spore, on June 17th.

The demo in question will take the form of the Creature Editor, which - as the name suggests - enables players to put their creations together. 25% of the total body parts from the full game will be available for players to tinker with. EA tells us that players will be able to share their creations with “seamless uploads to YouTube”.

The demo will be available to download from Spore's official website and will also be packed in with The SimCity Box compilation, which ships on June 23rd.

Additionally, the full Creature Creator will be made available at retail for €9.99 (£7.90).

“The amazing creations players design this summer will help populate the game universe we all enter when Spore ships this September, so in a sense, the Spore Creature Creator is the birth of Spore”, said Will Wright, chief designer at Maxis. What Wright means, to be more precise, is that players will be able to import their creatures into the full game of Spore when it launches on September 7th.

You can find out more about Spore on SPOnG's dedicated game page.


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