Mega Man determined not to be forgotten

Classic Capcom platformer returns - twice!

Posted by Staff
Capcom has announced that it will be showing two new Mega Man games at next week’s E3 event in Los Angeles. The two new games are called Mega Man Legends 2 and Mega Man X5, both for the PSone.

Mega Man X5 is a continuation of all previous Mega Man games in that it is a classy and well-constructed 2D side-viewed platformer. There will be numerous weapons and vehicles for your platforming enjoyment, as well as a brand new collision engine, all courtesy of the nice guys at Capcom.

Mega Man Legends 2 is a swanky looking 3D platform action game in the style of Jet Force Gemini. Capcom was eager to ensure that the Mega Man brand was not just considered a retro classic and the company has vowed to make more games for next generation consoles moving forward.


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