Gran Turismo 3 problems in Japan – Sony makes a stand

DVD lens issues thwart SCE's finest hour

Posted by Staff
Gran Turismo 3 problems in Japan – Sony makes a stand
What was supposed to be Sony Computer Entertainment’s finest hour has turned into a bit of a mini-nightmare as hundreds of gamers returned their copies of GT3, reporting that the game discs were faulty.

Sony has rejected the idea that the game is bugged and blamed the problems on a possible fault with the DVD lens caused by dust and other grime building up. SCE also stated that DVD lens cleaners, not endorsed by the company or suitable for the machine could also be to blame.

Sony rejected the idea of issuing a recall and has instead offered to have the DVD lenses replaced by post, the cost of which is about £40 and must be paid by the owner of the machine.

So beware folks! Taking too much care of your PlayStation 2 pride and joy could be a costly business. Just remember to read the care instructions in the manual before plying your beloved console with an overdose of cleaning products.


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