Political Complexity: Wrestling Good. Video Games Not So Good.

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The head McCainiac...
The head McCainiac...
Okay, right. People who play video games such as the "unapologetically violent" Grand Theft Auto are obviously either too childish or too pyschotic to be 'messaged' by US presidential candidates.

People who watch WWE and other art-pieces for their inherently educational take on, well, pretend fighting are, however, ideal voter material.

This is why presidential candidates, John McCain (Republican), Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama (Democrat), all presented their cases to the baying vote fodder at recent WWE events. While Hillary and Barack presented anaemic attempts at playing to the working class vote (but remember, thems are voting age not like them video games playing kids) with the occasional slip into Raw lingo, McCain fully immersed hisself...

"Americans don't watch wrestling because we're bitter. We watch WWE because wrestling is about celebrating our freedom", his video told the crowd.

He then upped the violence factor in a terrifyingly Freudian analysis of policy issues, "If you want to be the man, you have to beat the man". Rrright.

And how was he going to achieve his aims - both foreign and local? Apparently he was going to eschew the neo-con cabinet favoured by George W Bush in favour of a group called 'The McCaniacs'. Yup, "What are you going to do when John McCain and all his McCaniacs run wild on you?" asked potentially the most powerful person in the world.

Hold on one darned second here. Video games - even video game advertising - is seen in many quarters (yes, we're looking at you both Obama and Clinton) as bad for our children? Video gaming is seen as encouraging violence and dumbing down intelligence?

But somehow theatrical, lie-based wrestling - a glorification of truly mindless violence is deemed apt for presidential messaging? What are we - and Gamepolitics missing?

Maybe the idea is that because we're all obsessing about the forthcoming release of GTA IV that we can miss the obvious fact that we're being treated like idiots?

Or is it possible that none of the candidates wishes to engage with video games players for fear of having their ideas torn to shreds (because they lack armour points or haven't yet got the latest weapon DLC?).

Oh, THQ has released the following video of someone who looks negroid about to 'fight' someone who looks Caucasian and female. Apparently it's Barack Obama versus Hilary Clinton.


Doug Miller 23 Apr 2008 18:12
Pretty cool how this article was basically bias against John McCain and said hardly anything about Obama or Clinton. I guess it's because he's friends with Libermen (who has been very stern on his opinion against video games). However I guess that means that all republicans are evil, right Spong?
realvictory 23 Apr 2008 18:27
Still, people who assume video games are necessarily bad for their children are probably likely to have intellectually "dumbed-down" children anyway, in my opnion.

Secondly, when are the people who "run The World" going to be the people who are good at doing it?
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PreciousRoi 24 Apr 2008 00:17
When the neo-cons get run out of the Republican Party and the bloated legacy of FDR is finally dissolved.

Also...the video isn't even what the article purports it to be. It is McCain's "trash talkin' interview" not anything involving Hillary or Barack or anyone who looks like them, nor is it from THQ (AFAIK) its from WWE RAW and USA Network.

wtf, Tim?
TimSpong 24 Apr 2008 11:11
PreciousRoi wrote:
Also...the video isn't even what the article purports it to be. It is McCain's "trash talkin' interview" not anything involving Hillary or Barack or anyone who looks like them, nor is it from THQ (AFAIK) its from WWE RAW and USA Network.

wtf, Tim?

The THQ video wasn't embedded correctly - this is totally my bad, for which I apologise profusely.

That's been fixed now. Mea Culpa.

PreciousRoi 24 Apr 2008 11:34
For those of you across the pond who might not be aware of it...Hillary's candidacy is a dead issue...she can't win.

Republicans and right-thinkers are both overjoyed and dismayed. Overjoyed because well...no Hillary...Dismayed because if anyone could have propelled John McCain into the White House it was Hillary Clinton. Overjoyed because she's not quitting and the inter-Democratic bloodletting will continue, dismayed because there are plenty of people who will vote for Barack who would have voted for McCain had Hillary been his opponent.

Comedians mourn a lost opportunity...4 years of Bill Clinton in the White House with nothing to do would have been rich fodder.

I'll probably vote for Obama, McCain has lost most of the respect I once had for him by not repudiating the neo-cons and the Religious Right. (He likely feels he has to get in bed with them, but who are they going to vote for, the baby killing, gay marrying, gun haters who killed Jesus?)
Horatio 24 Apr 2008 11:37
PreciousRoi wrote:
For those of you across the pond who might no be aware of it...Hillary's candidacy is a dead issue...she can't win.

Republicans and right-thinkers are both overjoyed and dismayed. Overjoyed because well...no Hillary...Dismayed because if anyone could have propelled John McCain into the White House it was Hillary Clinton. Overjoyed because she's not quitting and the inter-Democratic bloodletting will continue, dismayed because there are plenty of people who will vote for Barack who would have voted for McCain had Hillary been his opponent.

Comedians mourn a lost opportunity...4 years of Bill Clinton in the White House with nothing to do would have been rich fodder.

Society as we know it is doomed.... there, said it. Next :-)
TimSpong 24 Apr 2008 11:47
Doug Miller wrote:
Pretty cool how this article was basically bias against John McCain and said hardly anything about Obama or Clinton. I guess it's because he's friends with Libermen (who has been very stern on his opinion against video games). However I guess that means that all republicans are evil, right Spong?

Obama and Clinton looked vaguely embarrassed and said little, however:

SPOnG wrote:
"While Hillary and Barack presented anaemic attempts at playing to the working class vote..."

SPOnG wrote:
"Hold on one darned second here. Video games - even video game advertising - is seen in many quarters (yes, we're looking at you both Obama and Clinton) as bad for our children?"

McCain, on the other hand, fully immersed himself in the entire charade.

In terms of your guessing that all Republicans are evil, that's your guess.

If what you mean is that I think that all Republicans are evil I quite like PJ O'Rourke, Abe Lincoln seemed okayish; I can laugh at Dennis Miller; Robert Duvall and Dennis Hopper were both good in Apocalypse Now!; Clint Eastwood made a good movie about John Coltrane; I've been known to listen to some Marilyn Manson too.

In terms of the politicians (Abe aside), nope I can't say as I have much truck with either Dems or Reps. Right now, my preference would be for a Democrat but that's largely like saying that my preference for being kicked in the eye would be for it to be done by suede-covered, hobnailed boots rather than calf skin-covered, hobnailed boots.

I also think that, as a loyal outpost of the Empire, we in the UK should get a vote.


PreciousRoi 24 Apr 2008 11:47
err, huh?

Is my voting for a Democrat for President one of the signs of the Apocalypse?

Where are you coming from with this, I'm curious...
PreciousRoi 24 Apr 2008 11:53
Don't forget Amy Holmes (would) and ...wait...he did what? I was gonna say Ben Stein, but his new movie coming out is an embarrassment to conservatives everywhere.

PJ is the man though...

Screw Condoleeza Rice (would, but she'd prolly make me wear a W mask), Uncle Ruckus for Veep.
TimSpong 24 Apr 2008 11:53
PreciousRoi wrote:
For those of you across the pond who might not be aware of it...Hillary's candidacy is a dead issue...she can't win.

Mmmm... mebbe so, mebbe not. May I refer my learned friend to.... this.

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