Haze: Sometimes Friends do Drugs Together

Fresh multiplayer screens here

Posted by Staff
Ubisoft, clearly in a friendly mood, has released some new screens of Haze's multi-player mode in action. SPOnG has the goods below.

Free Radical, Haze's developer, clearly feels very strongly about the multi-player aspect of its latest shooter. Speaking in an interview with SPOnG, the company's screen writer, Rob Yescombe, said, "We're not stupid. We know that our lifeblood is replayability – making sure that there's a community of people online that enjoy playing together. The communal aspect of games is, most of the time, the most fun part." SPOnG was left with a pleasant warm fuzzy feeling after that - and not because we'd been fed Nectar...

You can find the interview in full here and catch SPOnG's impressions of Haze's multi-player here.

You can find the new screens, along with a fresh render, below.


deleted 23 Apr 2008 12:52
you know what is missing from online games like say halo, is straight after you have pwned some noobs and you fancy laughing at them and chatting why does it not have the option to just stay in the room for a while and chat? why must i be thrown straight into another level of Slayer BR on Isolation before i cant taunt fully?
PreciousRoi 23 Apr 2008 13:12
...except in ranked matches you're free to party up...and there is a window for taunting, if the other guys stick around...I find most people ready to get into another game...I certainly don't appreciate it when my party leader dawdles in the post-game lobby...

I never liked TimeSplitters...at all...
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