Defibrillate Your Foes in Saints Row 2

GTA IV-alike video right here

Posted by Staff
When our backs are to the wall and we're heavily outnumbered in a brawl, there's nothing SPOnG likes more than to turn up the juice and defibrillate our enemies. Once you watch this latest video for Saints Row 2, you'll see why it appealed to us.

There's nothing more satisfying than taking a normally life-giving activity and turning it to the purposes of evil. To this end, SPOnG hopes to die quietly in bed with its boots off. Not like one of Niko's enemies allegedly will be in GTA IV - with a weapon.

Speaking of GTA IV, the video may well remind you of one of the trailers sat on our GTA IV game page. Funny, that.

You'll also find some new screens and artwork tucked beneath the video, so don't stop with the moving pictures...



deleted 17 Apr 2008 17:21
i never liked the first one i hope number 2 is better, it just felt wooden, like driving and running and any movement just didtnt feel right.
deleted 18 Apr 2008 11:45
Ultor arent they or wernt they in Red Fraction?
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