BBC Offers PS3 iPlayer Writer a Job

We thought it was laying people off.

Posted by Staff
BBC Offers PS3 iPlayer Writer a Job
Anthony Rose, the Head of Digital Media Technology at the BBC has commented on the fact that a single programmer was able to get the BBC's iPlayer working on the PlayStation 3 by tweaking the HTML user-agent string, some CSS and kludging some Javascript.

"So, while I'm impressed that someone has done this, this doesn't mean that it's the best possible iPlayer proposition for that console. We're investigating the optimal video profile and browser proposition to enable us to officially make iPlayer available on PS3 in due course."

So, not quite there yet... officially.

But Rose doesn't stop there... he's also offering the coder in question a job. "By the way, if the person who created the ps3iplayer port is looking for a job at the BBC, (s)he's welcome to contact me ;-)"

Now, you might figure that, as the head of Digital Media Tech, with overview of the Beeb's iPlayer, Mr Rose might have navigated over to the PS3 iPlayer site and clicked on the Contact Us list. In that way, he could have offered the job opportunity himself - and could have put a smiley in there as well.

Just for his reference: try we did, and we got a polite response.


Joji 15 Apr 2008 16:05
Not a bad gig if you want it.

Does this mean BBC will take games seriously, and give a decent show covering games, at a decent hour?

Nope, didn't think so.
tyrion 15 Apr 2008 16:40
Joji wrote:
Does this mean BBC will take games seriously, and give a decent show covering games, at a decent hour?

Games seriously? Just take a look at the BBC's news website, much as I love the BBC, there's no way games news should go under Technology instead of Entertainment. Sort it out!
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deleted 15 Apr 2008 17:23
BBC`s coverage of games is a joke full stop where ever they place it its alomst akin to the mirrors coverage!
deleted 15 Apr 2008 23:56
so whats the response?
mrAnthony 16 Apr 2008 08:51
Horatio 16 Apr 2008 12:26
Strange this is, given the tech already involved in the iPlayer and the fact that the BBC got it running on the Wii, you'd think they'd have someone already capable of bringing the player to the PS3... still, it was kind of them to publicly comment and make the job offer.

VideoGaiden is cool, but it doesn't get national broadcast which is a real shame, apparently only the Scottish understand it (that is where they show it, isn't it?)

And I agree that the BBC's "games news" coverage is weak. I actually think that many of the stories regarding technology are poor, not just the games coverage but anything to do with the internet and new gadgets too. It's almost if the youngest journo at the BBC is 50.... they simply get too many facts wrong and seem very biased.

Saying that, the BBC are still 100x better than most other news outlets.
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