Hamburg to Ban In-Store Video Game Demos?

A truant story?

Posted by Staff
Udo Nagel with his equipment.
Udo Nagel with his equipment.
The Deutsch Welle site is reporting that Udo Nagel, state interior minister of Hamburg, wants to fight juvenile delinquency and specifically truancy by banning video game demos being played in-store during school hours.

According to Udo, "Truancy can be the beginning of a criminal career and that's why we have to intervene.

"Not every truant becomes criminal, but criminals skipped school at one time or another."

So, playing video games when you should be studying geography leads to truanting which then leads you to robbing banks with a six-gun.

Apparently, the local constabulary has said that consoles are switched off every weekday until 3:00 pm, according to a report in the Welt am Sonntag newspaper.

What with Jack Thompson being off the scene of late, it's good to see that somewhere else in the world some other buffon is saying, "All cows are animals, therefore all animals are cows" in relation to crime and video games.

Hands up who hasn't played hooky? In the SPOnG office, Mark won't own up to it. Favourite truant stories in the Forum please.

Source: Deutsch Welle


Spinface 14 Apr 2008 12:01
No comment.
TimSpong 14 Apr 2008 12:27
I recall bunking off from school in Winchester in order to go to the river with Sophie where we...


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YenRug 14 Apr 2008 12:51
Here's a better idea, why not use the demo-stations as the bait to trap kids playing truant? Have the truancy patrol come around every so often and pick up the kids bunking off school, makes their job easier than having to wander all over the city trying to spot where they're hiding out.
TimSpong 14 Apr 2008 12:57
YenRug wrote:
Here's a better idea, why not use the demo-stations as the bait to trap kids playing truant? Have the truancy patrol come around every so often and pick up the kids bunking off school, makes their job easier than having to wander all over the city trying to spot where they're hiding out.

Good thinking. However, I don't trust anybody who never bunked off school. It's like people who don't like Dark Star; or people who say that they are vegetarians "but I eat fish".

Cheers and please pick up my moral compass pack as you depart

YenRug 14 Apr 2008 13:18
Tim Smith wrote:
Good thinking. However, I don't trust anybody who never bunked off school. It's like people who don't like Dark Star; or people who say that they are vegetarians "but I eat fish".

Cheers and please pick up my moral compass pack as you depart


I never bunked off school, although I did get caught out for not doing any homework for any of my classes for a whole term. People who don't like, or get, Dark Star should be shot, it's an absolute classic film. Same goes for vegetarians/vegans, all their worrying about being a drain on the world's resources; just remove yourself from it, problem solved. ;)
config 15 Apr 2008 09:22
I use to played hooky from school, but I could go out to play (i.e. I never got caught - master forger). Thusly I never felt like the whole world was pickin' on me.

I did and still do play video games (last night was "at it" 'til 0330 this morn, no less), but never played hooky just to play some crap game on a shop pod (as if such things existed back then). No, I played hooky because English class was tedious.

And I was rubbish at it. Eg. teach asked class to do homework arguing for/against the teacher's strike "du jour" (nothing changes, eh?). In response to my submission - which admittedly I'd rattled off in five minutes before doing something more interesting (no, not "why do you?") - he wrote a note with his miserable little red pen stating that he'd apparently heard better arguments over the back fence. Fscker. Perhaps if you'd stopped propagandising your plight via our curriculum, I'd have given enough a s**t to put in the effort. Oh, and enough of the rubbish "Jim/John had had had had ... blah". <and ... breath>

I might have once shoplifted a Curly Wurly too, but I don't think that counts because I felt deeply remorseful as I stuffed my craw with that gnarly, chocolatey goodness.

Never the less, I suppose that makth me a hooky playing, video gaming crim. Sob
config 15 Apr 2008 09:35
YenRug wrote:
Tim Smith wrote:
Good thinking. However, I don't trust anybody who never bunked off school. It's like people who don't like Dark Star; or people who say that they are vegetarians "but I eat fish".

Cheers and please pick up my moral compass pack as you depart

I never bunked off school, although I did get caught out for not doing any homework for any of my classes for a whole term.


Plagarise from the geeks, then adapt to your own style - inserting the odd random bit of your own ThoughtStream into the mix to throw The Man of the trail.

It's like doing homework, but not.

Kids these days just copy the whole s**t from Google, without having the wit to mash it up to avoid being caught. My, I am being a bit revelatory this morn.

People who don't like, or get, Dark Star should be shot, it's an absolute classic film.

Man I haven't seen that film in, like, 25 years. I really didn't "get it" back then. Must dig it up from somewhere. I did catch the end of Silent Running the other day. Hippy space man robot love-in. Sweet.

Same goes for vegetarians/vegans, all their worrying about being a drain on the world's resources; just remove yourself from it, problem solved. ;)

What a waste. They should donate themselves to the Soylent Corp. for the rest of us to enjoy!
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