Getting Drunk Game Slammed as Irresponsible

And we'll fight anybody who says different!

Posted by Staff
Getting Drunk Game Slammed as Irresponsible
School kids from Paisley in Scotland decided to produce something to help educate their peers that getting utterly bladdered and falling down unconscious was probably not a good plan. They decided that street theatre wasn't the correct approach - unless they wanted to get beaten up by drunk pre-teens. So, they made a video game. That video game has now been slammed as irresponsible by, The Campaign for Real Education (CfRE).

The game is called, ThinknDrinkn (you can see it in all its horror below). According to the Compute Scotland site, "In the game, the players have to find and help a friend who has been drinking and whose condition is constantly deteriorating. Game players will have to provide fluids and food to a drunk friend and either take them home or to hospital, avoiding obstacles including youth gangs along the way. They will also have to answer various questions related to alcohol misuse and can use links to useful websites to find relevant information."

The piece of work by the pupils could be rolled out across Scotland in a bid to educate other kids about the dangers of boozing themselves to an early death.

Outrageous! So, at least, says Nick Seaton of the ever forward-looking CfRE. "It is irresponsible to confront children of just 11 or 12 with the idea of a friend lapsing into unconsciousness because they have had so much to drink," Seaton told the Scottish media.

This is the same Nick Seaton who earlier this year told anybody who would listen that introducing Nintendo Wiis into schools was, "pandering to the views of the physically idle".

Call us daft or - one of Mr Seaton's most hated words, 'progressive' but we figure that if the pupils have put all that time in, and the message is getting across, that's a good thing? Maybe we should all move to the strange world inhabited by CfRE, where 11 and 12 year olds don't get mashed-up on cheap cider?


deleted 7 Apr 2008 18:44
Sounds like one of those guys we shouldnt judge or hate because he hasnt played or doesnt want to play the game but should be allowed to judge it, maybe he should start writing for the mirror!
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