THQ Challenges Guitar Hero in New Video

... and screens!

Posted by Staff
THQ has let fly a new video and screens of the game it hopes will out-casual Guitar Hero - Battle of the Bands on the Wii. Can making the game cheaper by having it work with just the Wii Remote (and no other peripherals) make it a serious contender against Guitar Hero and Rock Band (if it ever comes out over here)? Hopefully this footage will help inform your decision.

If the name leaves you scratching your head in befuddlement, don't worry. You might have heard of it previously under the moniker, Band Mashups. Clearly, THQ has opted for a more transparent (notice how we avoided the word 'obvious') title. SPOnG kind of misses the title Band Mashups, though. It had a certain ring of messy nights out in the heady glory days of our early gig adventuring... (read: nights spent fighting pissed-off bassists and sleeping off concussions in gutters).

Anyway, you can read more about the upcoming rhythm game and see the rest of the new screens here.



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